Green Cleaning


Criteria for environmentally preferable cleaning products

- Low VOC                                        – Low toxicity

- More moderate pH (4-11)               – Concentrates

- Low odor                                         – Readily biodegradable

- Work in cold water                          – No carcinogens

- Multiple use products                     – No heavy metal floor finishes

- Products derived from renewable resources

- Products in recyclable packaging

- Products used in dilution control systems

The following categories of environmentally preferable products and supplies will be used.

- GS-37 General Purpose Cleaner, Bathroom Cleaner, Glass Cleaner, Neutral Floor and Carpet Cleaners

- GS-40 Floor Finish and Floor Strippers

- GS-41 Hand Cleaners

- GS-09 Towels and Napkins

- GS-01 Toilet Tissue

Dilution control system:

The Starlight Cleaning Service program will utilize dilution control systems that meets the requirements of the AS-42 Green Seal Environmental Standard

- Concentrated Products with dilution 8:1 or greater

- Closed Loop System to insure safe and accurate mixing

- Green Seal Chemicals where applicable

- Recyclable containers

- Disposal Guidelines



Green Glossary

Biodegradable — Capable of being decomposed by biological agents, especially bacteria

Composting — The controlled decomposition of organic matter. Rather than allowing nature to take its slow course, a composter provides an environment in which decomposers thrive

EPP — Environmentally Preferable Products

Green — Products, services, processes and initiatives that are effective and protect health without harming the environment

IAQ — Indoor air quality

Post-Consumer Recycled Material — A material or finished product that has been used by the consumer and then recovered for recycling

Pre-Consumer Recycled Material — Materials generated in manufacturing and converting processes, such as trimmings / cuttings, which are recycled before they reach the consumer

Recycling — The reprocessing of materials into new products. Recycling helps prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduces raw material consumption

Renewable — Renewable products are derived from resources that are regenerative or for all practical purposes cannot be depleted

Source Reduction — Decreasing the amount of materials used during the manufacturing or distribution of products

Stewardship — Embracing responsibility for the long-term viability of the environment

Sustainable Processes — Using resources to meet existing needs while ensuring adequate resources for later generations

VOCs — Volatile Organic Compounds, which have high enough vapor pressures to significantly vaporize and enter the atmosphere, where they become pollutants



Green Organizations

Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI) — Develops and administers a Green Label program that creates standards for, and tests, carpets, equipment and chemicals, with the aim of lowering VOCs and other pollutants

Chlorine Free Products Association (CFPA) — An independent accreditation and standard setting organization set around implementing advanced technologies free of chlorine chemistry

Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) — An EPA program that promotes the use of materials recovered from solid waste

Green Guide for Healthcare — Best practices guide for healthy, sustainable building design, construction, and operations for healthcare

Green Hotels — Maintains and distributes guidelines and product ideas that lower operating costs and environmental impact

Hospitals for a Healthy Environment — Educates health care professionals about pollution prevention and provides tools and resources to facilitate the healthcare sector’s movement toward environmental sustainability

Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) — Promotes sustainable environmental practices for the federal government. This includes Green purchasing, sustainable buildings, waste prevention and recycling

United States Composting Council (USCC) — A trade and professional organization promoting the usage of composting through research, public education, and setting decomposting standards

United States Green Building Council (USGBC) — Non-profit composed of leaders in the building industry promoting environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work. The USGBC is the governing organization of the LEED® program.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and the environment. They work to develop and enforce regulations, perform environmental research, provide financial assistance for research and educational programs, sponsor voluntary partnerships and programs, further environmental education, and publish vital environmental information.

Green Seal — Green Seal Certification is a program of Green Seal, an independent, non-profit organization that strives to achieve a healthier and cleaner environment by identifying and promoting products and services that cause less toxic pollution and waste, conserve resources and habitats, and minimize global warming and ozone depletion.

EcoLogo™ — The Environmental Choice Program™ (ECP), helps consumers identify products and services that are less harmful to the environment. The program’s official symbol of certification is EcoLogo™. A key aspect of the certification process is the requirement for third party verification of compliance.

Design For The Environment (DFE) — The Design for the Environment (DFE) program works with individual industry sectors to compare and improve the performance and human health and environmental risks and costs of existing and alternative products, processes, and practices. DFE partnership projects promote integrating cleaner, cheaper, and smarter solutions into everyday business practices.

© 2011 Starlight Cleaning Service. All rights reserved.